
  • You can fax, mail, or deliver (during business hours) forms to the Athletic Office / Nurse Office.  
    We CANNOT accept by email.

    During the SUMMER - All physicals forms (from private physicians) MUST be received in the ATHLETIC OFFICE  
    Winter & Spring Seasons - Physicals are to be turned in to the school nurse.
    (see below for office location / business hours)

          In accordance with New York State Education law, any student participating on an organized athletic team must have an annual physical to participate.  Physicals are good for a period of one year from the date of the physical, to the end of that month (i.e physical done 3/01/2024 is valid until 3/31/2025 with a completed update).  Students must have a physical and be registered for the sport in order to participate. 
          Although the West Seneca School District is committed to the belief that all children need an annual exam by their own physician, the district offers sport physicals by the district physicians. 

    The following options are available if your son or daughter wants to participate on an athletic team:

    1.  Obtain a physical at the school -  we have finished physicals at the school for the year.
              (by District Provider - Forestream Pediatrics). 
         Physicals are offered by the Athletic Department during the summer ONLY.  

    2. Your child may get a sport physical by their private physician.  Please use form below.

    3.  You may call Health Works (712-0670) or WellNow (608-2226) to schedule a physical appointment at your convenience and cost.  Our physical form should be used.

    If you choose to have the physical done by your private physician or HealthWorks, the completed physical form MUST be delivered prior to the start of practice to the school nurse (during the school year) or Athletic office (during the summer).

    Athletic Office Location:
    East Middle School - Room 1 (enter at door 24)
    1445 Center Road, West Seneca, NY 14224
    Hours:  M-F 8:30 am - 4:00 pm  (summer hours July 1 to Aug 26 - Mon-Thurs 7:30 am to 3:00 pm)
    If you have any questions, please contact the Athletic Office at 677-3141.

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Last Modified on January 16, 2025