Transporation Department

  • The transportation of students, from home to school and from school to home, is a major function of the school district operation. Approximately 10,000 district students are being transported to 108 different schools daily. It is clearly evident that the responsibility for maximum efficiency and safety is to be shared by all members of the community.

    Private, Charter and Parochial School Transportation

    Transportation is provided, as required by law, to private, charter and parochial schools within a 15 mile radius of the student's home. Request forms for district transportation to these schools are available at our transportation office, Monday through Friday between 8:30am and 3:30pm. Forms are available on this page under the heading Related Files.  All non-public school students who require transportation must submit a request on the proper school district form to the said offices no later than April 1st of each year.

    Transportation to and from Child Care (Baby-Sitting) Locations

    A public or private school student may be picked up and/or dropped off at a day care location (baby-sitter) located within the child’s specific school boundary. If the student is attending a licensed daycare, the location can be anywhere within the West Seneca CSD.

    1. Request forms are provided at the Transportation Department Office, all District elementary school offices or can be found on this page under the heading Related Files. Forms must be completed and returned to the Transportation Department by August 1 of the school year for which transportation is requested.

    2. Parents and/or legal guardians must provide 5 days prior notice to the start date needed and wait for confirmation from the Transportation Office.

    3. Only one alternate address will be accepted. The A.M. and P.M. address may be different as long as it is a consistent weekly schedule.

    4. No new stops will be added. Students will be required to be picked up and dropped off at the nearest established stop.

    Daily Bus Schedules

    Daily transportation is provided as required by board policy. Pickup times are routinely within a 10 minute window. It is recommended that your child arrive at the bus stop five minutes prior to the scheduled time. Please have children at their assigned stop and ready to board when the bus arrives. Children not at their designated stop will not be picked up. Buses cannot wait for children that are not at the designated stop, regardless of inclement weather conditions.

    Exam Bus Schedules

    Bus schedules for exam time, both Mid-winter and final exams, operate at the normal AM and PM times. We also operate a dismissal bus from both high schools at 10:10am. Students that need transportation for PM exams will be picked up at their assigned stops during an 11:10am drop-off.



  • Students are advised to:

  • Motorists are advised to: