Professional Learning
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The District Mentoring Program will be utilized to support certificated staff (teachers, administrators, counselors, etc.) new to the West Seneca Central School District. The program will provide first year faculty with the opportunity to develop a supportive, confidential, collegial, relationship with an exemplary educator and to reach the standards of tenure.
All certificated staff new to the West Seneca Central School District as per the terms of the collective negotiations agreement, will be assigned a mentor in their first year of employment in West Seneca. The ratio shall be one mentor for every first year employee. The mentor is expected to provide the first year employee with regular and consistent support.
Members who are interested in applying to become Mentors must:
1. Be tenured
2. Be considered successful in their tenure area
3. Be positive in their interactions with faculty, students and parents
4. Demonstrate the effective use of a wide range of instructional strategies
5. Successfully complete the mentoring course through the Teachers' Center
The principal or administrator shall post and inform, in writing, all of the eligible members in their building of the availability of mentor positions. Applications must be submitted within ten calendar days to the principal.
Recommendations of individuals to be considered for appointment shall be made by the building principals to the Superintendent or their designee.
Final selection of a mentor shall be made by the Superintendent and/or their designee in collaboration with the President of the West Seneca Teachers’ Association, Inc., and/or their designee.
Mentors will provide guidance to promote understanding of the following:
a) Lesson planning and record keeping
b) Goal Setting Plan, self-reflection (APPR)
c) Development of professional portfolio
d) Classroom management and communication skills
e) Pedagogy and subject matter
f) NYS Learning Standards and Performance Indicators; Regents requirements
g) Building and District-level processes, procedures, programs, events, and routines
h) Other areas as needs arise
Activities may include:
a) Classroom visitations (both ways)
b) Conferencing
c) Other
Prior to the first mentoring assignment, new mentors will complete a 6-hour introductory course through the West Seneca Teachers’ Center. These hours will be granted as “ARO” credits (Established mentors will have already received the course). Members who perform the duties of a mentor or mentor facilitator pursuant to an appointment hereunder will be paid per the current WSTA CBA (Currently $550.00 per year). Each mentor and mentee is responsible to keep a log of all mentoring activities. These logs will submitted in SchoolFront (Educational Center rm. 4a) biannually (December 15 and June 15) of each school year. Some mentoring appointments are 1/2 year appointments. These mentors receive half of the stipend and their logs are due at the end of their half year assignment (December 15 for first half or June 15 for second half).
Classroom Visitations:
Each teacher and mentee pair have a total of 3 days that can be taken as either half or full days for the purpose of the mentor visiting the mentee in their classroom or the mentee visiting the mentor in their classroom for the purpose of observing each other deliver instruction and to provide time to debrief and offer feedback after the instruction.
Below is the mutually agreed upon schedule for the three days throughout the school year. Please work with your building administrator to find the best days/times for coverage (Red Rover Code: Teacher Mentor-Mentee Observation)
Section #
Mutually Agreed Upon Time per Guidelines
Lesson Planning/Record Keeping
Mutual Visitation and Debrief #1 (Sometime b/w September-January)
Goal Setting and APPR
Mutual Visitation and Debrief #2 (Sometime b/w January-March)
Goal Setting/Self-Reflection
Mutual Visitation and Debrief #3 (Sometime b/w April-May)
Mentors receive:
6 ARO credits for taking the Teachers' Center course for the first time
550.00 Stipend
Mentors and Mentees receive:
15 CTLE hours
Please contact Kimberly McCartan with any questions at