• Clinton Street Elementary 
    Before & After School Program

    Registration for the 2024-2025 school year
    is OPEN and remains open until FULL.

    Spots are limited.

    Registration is first come, first serve.

    The Before AND After School Programs are now full. 

    All applications received will be wait listed. 

    Click here for Registration packet: https://www.wscschools.org/Page/19526

    *All paperwork takes a minimum of 2 business days to process.

    Calendars and Payments are expected in the Community Education Office by the 15th of the prior month. There is a mail slot where you can drop off paperwork in an sealed envelope. You may also send paperwork via email to swright01@wscschools.orgAny late calendars can be emailed to swright01@wscschools.org, faxed to 677-3244, or walked in. (Note: late calendars will accrue late fees.)

    Credit/Debit Card Payment Disclaimer:  This is a 3rd party site. There is a $1.00 fee added for all credit card transactions. The Credit Card and Debit Card payment service is an Internet-based service that allows you to make payments to West Seneca Central Schools via the World Wide Web. In activating this service you authorize West Seneca Central Schools or its authorized agent to debit or charge your account which allows your payment to be forwarded to us, based on the payment instructions you provide on the Web site, subject to these Terms and Conditions.

    Contact the Community Education Office for additional information at 677-3185
    or the Program Director, Stephanie Wright at swright01@wscschools.org.

    As per the Parent Guide Policy, if your child care is reimbursed from your dependent care account, submit your account claim form to the office for completion and authorized signature on a timely basis. 

    Annual receipts for tax purposes will be issued upon request, with two weeks notice.
    NOTE: a $5.00 fee will be added to your account for any duplicate requests through our office. On-line accounts may obtain receipts or copies through the parent’s on-line access at any time.

    *If you do not know how to access your on-line account, DO NOT create a new account. Please email Stephanie Wright at swright01@wscschools.org for assistance.

  • **This program is self-sustaining and does NOT use any tax dollars -- all costs are covered by parental payments.**