Welcome to the West Seneca West Middle School Library!
Helpful links:
- 2024-25 Library Class Schedule
- How to order/pick up library books
- A note on choosing appropriate library books in middle school
- How to return library books (includes info on the 24/7 outdoor dropbox)
- Contact:
Teacher: Ms. Wrobel, School Librarian
Email: lwrobel@wscschools.org
Phone: (716) 677-3511
Fax: (716) 675-6134
Follow the library on social media:
Log in to Destiny Discover with your Google login (district email and password). Searching in Destiny allows you to find print and ebooks only from the West Middle library (not other schools) PLUS any district ebooks and audiobooks in Sora.
Log in to Sora with your Google info to search for district ebooks and audiobooks. Use this screencast to help you get started.
Click here for directions on adding your public library card to your school Sora account to get more content.
Capstone Interactive ebooks are searchable in Destiny but the above link will take you directly to all Capstone books available to West Middle students. These ebooks merge multimedia & audio into online books.
Log in with Google to Ms. Wrobel's list of passwords to get the username/password for Capstone books - and be sure to click "Log in with Capstone Interactive" and then type in the username/password from Ms. Wrobel's list (not YOUR username/password).
log in to this list of passwords using your Google account info to get the encyclopedia passwords
Best for: basic or beginning research
Best for: basic or beginning research
Best for: basic or beginning research
log in to this list of passwords using your Google account info to get the database passwords
Best for: articles ONLY from The New York Times
Best for: recent news articles from The Buffalo News www.buffalonews.com. Use the Gale Buffalo News index if you need articles from years 2000-2016.
Best for: general news or subject articles
log in to this list of passwords using your Google account info to get the video site passwords
Best for: topic introduction and basic/beginning research