General Clinton Street Information
Before/After School Child Care Program
The before/after school child care program is run by the district community education department.
For hours, information, and fees, contact (716) 677-3185
Breakfast – with written parent request only; a form was given to all students in their Open House packet.
Lunch – may pack or buy
*Be sure to fill out Free/Reduced Lunch Application for both meals if you think your child may qualify.
To pre-pay go to or call (716) 677-3810 for more information
Emergency Cards and Important Medical Forms
Please complete and return all emergency cards and medical forms to Mrs. Zubler, our school nurse as soon as possible. If you have any medical questions or concerns regarding your child, please contact Mrs. Zubler at (716) 677-3624.
NYS Guidelines Regarding Administration of Medications in Schools
If your child is required to take any medication, please send in a written request from your child’s physician, which indicates the frequency and the dosage of the prescribed medication and is to be brought in the prescribed labeled bottle by an adult to the Health Office. Please do not send any aspirin, cold pills, cough drops, inhalers, etc. to school with your child. Medication will only be dispensed under the described conditions, and this will be strictly adhered to within a school situation.
Reading at Home
As a school, we believe that we must build strong readers who are able to read critically across a variety of texts and genre, both in print and online.
The following are suggested reading allotment times each night:
Kindergarten- 20 minutes
Grades 1,2,3- 30 minutes
Grade 4- 45 minutes
Report Cards
Clinton Street Elementary School runs on Trimesters.
Report cards on student progress will be provided mid-December, mid-March, and end of June.
School Closings
- Provide your email address and cell phone number in order to be contacted more easily
- Major local TV and radio stations will broadcast closings
- Check the district website
School Schedule
Arrival 8:55am - 9:10am
Walkers/students dropped off by guardian(s) & student bussing. Some busses may arrive later than scheduled; this is a target time for bussing. Those students will not be considered tardy.
Dismissal 3:25pm - 3:45pm
Guardians may arrive at 3:10pm to pick up students. Buses start dismissing at 3:25pm. Some busses may depart later than scheduled; this is a target time for bussing.
Security (Sign-in and out)
- All parents must ring bell, SHOW ID and state business before being admitted
- All parents must report to main office
- End of day pick up – Parents must sign child out, get green slip, meet child in cafeteria, and turn slip in upon exit. NO meeting child on school grounds to pick up on foot or in vehicle.
- Parents must give written permission for someone else to pick up student
You have received your child’s bus number and pick up time in the mail. Be sure your child is at the stop five minutes early and standing quietly.
The bus may be late picking your child up or bringing your child home for the first two weeks of school, as drivers learn the new routes and younger students learn how to get on and off the bus. Sometimes adjustments need to be made to the routes, as well. Your patience is appreciated.