• A Message from the Principal

    "The greatest gifts you can give your children are the roots of responsibility and practice, so they can grow wings of independence.” – Dr. Seuss

    During this time of year,  students  at Clinton Elementary are taking enormous  leaps in their learning.  Students who have struggled with being “tuned into” learning are starting to take off.  Students who struggled with reading fluently are sounding like pros.  Students who have fought with their addition and subtraction facts are finding that things are starting to click.  This is a true testament to all the work done at school and at home since the start of the school year. 

    Let us keep the growth going with the coordinated efforts between home and school teaching our children how to be responsible and how repeated practice helps us grow.  Remember to read to/with your child each night and practice their math facts.  They also need to see how much the adults in their lives value the practice needed to grow as a reader and math students. 

    Thank you for your continued support at home!

    Mrs. McCartan