• Welcome!

    Mrs. Michele Pava - Librarian


    Mrs. Sherri Gerardi - Library Clerk

    Click HERE for our print catalog called DESTINY - remember, we can borrow it if you don't see it here ♥

    Click HERE for ES Database links, usernames, and pws (must access with a WSCSD account)

    For eBooks, Audiobooks, Graphic Novels, and Current Magazines, see below:

    SORA logoSORA - Log in with your West Seneca Google account. Borrow eBooks and audiobooks immediately! East Senior students will see every book the district owns, K-12.

    Brooklyn Public Library eCard - Free to any NYS resident. This can be added to your SORA account for tens of thousands of additional choices. Using your school email protects your privacy. 

    New York Public Library - Free to any NYS resident age 13+. This can be added to your SORA account for tens of thousands of additional choices.  Using your school email protects your privacy. You'll need to enter your address but you can skip "alternate" address. 

    SORA logoSORA instructional video - New to SORA? Watch this 4 min 20 sec video for all the important things to know to get started. Includes how to add public library resources - NO CARD NEEDED! Add the Buffalo & Erie County Library (no card needed) to multiply your selection options. See Mrs Pava for more details.