Calculation of GPA/Rank
All class members eligible to graduate in June are included in the ranking computed at the end of the 6th semester. Students transferring into the district in their senior year are not ranked. Subjects of 1/2 (Carnegie credit) are given a factor 1; 1 unit a factor of 2, 2 units a factor of 4, etc. The sum of the adjusted scores is divided by the number of scores. A weight of 1.05 is used for Advanced Placement/SUPA/UB Math courses; 1.03 is used for Enriched classes for class rank only. If a student repeats a subject, the highest grade is used. Exam scores are 20% of the final course average. GPA calculation includes PE. *This is the most current information and is subject to change*
Report Cards
Report cards are issued 4 times during the school year.
Report Card Period ends as follows:
1. NOVEMBER 10, 2022
2. JANUARY 23, 2023
3. APRIL 14, 2023
4. JUNE 13, 2023