East Senior Clubs and Organizations
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Clubs & Organizations
Consider joining a club or organization!
Recent studies have shown that students who participate in school clubs have significantly higher grade point averages than students who do not participate in clubs.
See what clubs are being offered: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1aOV6_emrADKo87RqDpGWE7v0IDA6xZ_AfrfFiLjUoew/edit#slide=id.p
ES Clubs A-M
Art Club
Club Advisor: Mrs. J Beyer
The East Senior High School Art Club is a group of students who share a common interest in the creation of art. Art Club promotes imagination, creativity, and art production. We focus on materials and projects that are beyond what you would do in a regular art class. Students are able to experiment with various art materials in a personalized, open and exploratory manner. Students are working on projects that involve various techniques in drawing and painting, ceramics, various crafts, and mixed media. Art Club provides activities for students of all levels of interests and abilities. You do not have to have any prior art experience to join the Art Club. This is an excellent opportunity for students to get involved and learn about different art techniques. We are here to learn and have fun!
The Art Club monthly meeting dates and times will be announced via google classroom.
Please join using the Art Club class code: 6lovjb7
Art Honor Society
Club Advisor: Mr. Perna
The National Art Education Association (NAEA) advances visual arts education to fulfill human potential and promote global understanding.
The East Bookstore is located in the main foyer adjacent to the main office. The store is run by a staff of students who are responsible for all operations, including sales, inventory and banking. The store is typically open multiple blocks during the school day and on select days before and after regular school hours. Anyone interested in working in the store should see Mrs. Giancola or Mrs. Piniarski.
Business and Marketing Honor Society of New York State
Club Advisors: Mrs. Day
- Students must be currently enrolled in business/marketing (fall and/or spring)
- Seniors: Must complete 3 units in business/marketing by the end of the current school year
- Sophomores/Juniors: Must complete 2 units in business/marketing by the end of the current school year (student should be planning to continue for at least one additional credit prior to graduation)
Minimum Criteria
- GPA Business/Marketing Courses | 88% or B+ (3.5)
- GPA Overall | 80% or B (3.0)
Additional Criteria
- Students selected for recognition will have also demonstrated both in the classroom and through extracurricular involvement:
- Character (evidenced by teachers attesting to this quality)
- Leadership (evidenced by committee chair positions, officer/chair or other lead positions in student organizations, civic/community leadership roles, etc.)
- Service (evidenced by volunteer activities in the school and/or community, etc.)
Application and Recognition Process
Students must:
- Complete an application (39 KB) and submit it to their business department by November 1st.
- Include two reference forms:
-One reference must be from a business teacher.
-Second reference must be from someone who can attest to your character, leadership, and/or service.
Chess Club
Club Advisor: Mr. Zielinski
Chess Club meets every Wednesday from 1:30-3:00 in room 317. Please come join us and play a game or two. We will teach you to play.
Tournaments start in March!
Crazy Guys of Ebenezer
Club Advisor: Mr. Farugia
Donate Life Club
Club Advisors: Ms. Keith
The goal of the Donate Life Club is to increase the awareness of the need for organ donations! The club is responsible for sponsoring blood drives in conjunction with the Connect Life organization. In addition, we will have a campaign week when we will focus on educating and encouraging people to sign up to be organ donors.
Drama Club
Club Advisor: Mr. Farugia
Foreign Exchange Club
Club Advisor: Mr. O'Donnell
From November 3-10th East will host 34 students and 5 teachers from our sister school in France "le lycee Simone Veil". Our visitors will learn about daily life at East, take a visit to Buffalo, Niagara Falls, and East Aurora. All students at East are welcome to attend a dance on Monday evening. We are looking forward to showing our visitors why Buffalo is called the City of Good Neighbors
Anyone interested in hosting a French student should contact Mr. O'Donnell at codonnell@wscschools.org
French Club
Club Advisor: Mrs. Krueger
Join French Club to learn about and celebrate Francophone countries and cultures. We often meet with Spanish Club to further our cultural awareness.
French Honor Society
Club Advisor: Mrs. Krueger
The Société Honoraire de Français (The French National Honor Society) is an organization whose intent is to recognize high school students in the United States who have maintained excellent grades in at least three semesters of French language courses.
Fresh Start Mentoring Program
Club Advisor: Mrs. Schaal
Fresh Start Mentoring Program:(FSMP)is a leadership program designed to help 9th grade students transition from middle school to high school. Using the focus of Stephen Covey’s 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens, junior and senior level student mentors lead a monthly lesson to model positive behavior. Under this program, student mentors have the ability to use their service toward the completion of a leadership distinction at graduation. They can earn cords to wear at graduation that designate them as leaders in the East Senior community.
The members of the Fresh Start Mentoring group met over the summer to prepare for Freshman Orientation where they welcomed the incoming freshman and gave them small, personal tours of the building. They showed them where their lockers would be, helped them find their classes, and answered any questions they had about coming to the high school.
The FSMP mentors continue to meet with their small groups of freshmen monthly throughout the school year to impart lessons from Covey's book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective Teens. During these monthly meetings, the mentors discuss topics such as being proactive, the importance of planning ahead, working cooperatively, organization, and maintaining healthy minds, bodies and spirits.
The FSMP mentors will also be in charge of leading their groups this spring during East's Trojans Take Action day of service.
Garden Club
Advisor: Ms Clark
The garden club helps maintain the landscaped areas of the school by pulling weeds and planting flowers. They can be found decorating the building for the various holidays.
Girls Athletic Association
Club Advisor: Mrs. Jones
Girls Athletic Association is a group of female athletes that often meet to plan sporting events for the entire school community.
Watch Trojan News for announcements regarding meetings.
GSA (Gender & Sexuality Alliance)
Club Advisor: Mrs. Pava
We are a club for all students, whether you are an ally, identify as LGBTQIA+ or are still questioning. We provide a place to feel accepted and to have fun. If you think the world is better off when people are free to be true to themselves, this is a club for you.
GSA - the Gender & Sexuality Alliance students had a chance to check out the club, ask questions, and share what their ideas for club activities for the year would be. Overwhelmingly, students this year were looking to make connections. According to the ACLU "Research has shown that LGBT students hear fewer homophobic slurs, experience less harassment, have better attendance, and feel safer at schools that have GSAs. "New members are ALWAYS welcome.
First Meeting: September 20th in the LMC right after school.
Anyone interested in joining GSA should email Mrs Pava (mpava@wscschools.org) to be added to the GSA Classroom. Be sure to check the website for any change and agendas.
Upcoming Events
- Mixer with West Senior
- Gender & Sexuality Alliance Conference
- Day of Silences
- Pride Parade
- Guest Speakers
International Club
Club Advisors: Mrs. Giumpa and Mrs. Sorensen
Students and teachers meet to discuss different traditions and cultures from around the world. We celebrate diversity!
Upcoming Meetings
Listen to announcements for future meeting dates.
Key Club (Kiwanis Engaging Youth)
Club Advisor: Mrs. Eisenmann
Key Club is an international student-led high school community service organization. There are over 270,000 members in 36 countries world-wide. 12,400 of those Key Club members live in New York State. Key club is made up of dedicated teenagers who wish to change the world by serving their home, school, and community. Key Club’s motto is “Caring ….Our Way of Life.”
Mission Statement
Key Club is an international student-led organization which provides its members with opportunities to provide service, build character and develop leadership
Vision Statement
To develop competent, capable, and caring leaders through the vehicle of service.
Core Values
The core values of Key Club International are leadership, character building, caring, and inclusiveness.
I pledge, on my honor,
to uphold the Objects of Key Club International;
to build my home, school and community;
to serve my nation and God;
and combat all forces which tend to undermine these institutions.Motto
Caring - Our Way of Life
Key Club Structure
INTERNATIONAL: Key Club International encompasses all clubs within the group’s 33 organized districts and in foreign countries that are not included in any specific district. Key Club International is led by the International Board, which is composed of the International president, International vice president, and 11 International trustees, all students and active Key Club members.
DISTRICT: A district is normally defined by a state, a group of states, or nation and tends to match a similar Kiwanis district. Each district is chaired by a governor, elected by delegates at the district annual convention, and the District Board consisting of executive officers and lieutenant governors, either elected by delegates or appointed by the governor.
DIVISION: Each district is divided into territories called divisions, made up of various clubs. Each division has a lieutenant governor, a student leader who carries out the district’s policies and provides support to the clubs.
CLUB: Key Clubs are established in a high school or equivalent institution, or a community-based club may be chartered. Elected officers are president, one or more vice presidents, secretary, treasurer, editor, and one director from each class.
$15 for the year. Most ($13.00) go to the International and State Key Club organizations for expenses and some ($2.00) will stay with our club. Pay dues by October 15th. Pay with a check made out to: “WSCSchools –075.ES” and hand in with the attached form. Pay at next meeting to Devin Murphy or Mrs. Wolf.
Service Hours
To be considered a member of Key Club you must commit and fulfill the monthly requirement for service hours. Meetings will count as one half-hour of service. We will be keeping track of service hours.
Held in room 317 every THURSDAY (or whenever needed for a particular event).
Follow us on twitter @WSE KEYCLUB and @NYDKC_Division25
Leadership Program
Club Advisors: Mrs. Ocasio, Mrs.Hennessy
Select students participate in Leadership, which is designed to provide students with experiences that will enhance their leadership skills. These experiences will enable them to become highly successful in college, in their chosen career and in future community involvement.
The focus of the Leadership will be to develop individual student leaders in the areas of responsible citizenship, communication, goal setting, group processes, and organizational skills. Students selected will be required to take an active role both in high school and will have the opportunity to earn a cord for graduation.
While leadership has taken on a different look this year we are very excited to be meeting a group and working on our goals for the year. Our new mission statement reads: Our mission as West Seneca East Leaders is to create an environment that supports and enriches the leaders of tomorrow. We have so many exciting things planned for the remainder of the year.
ES Clubs M-Z
Club Advisor: Mr. Zielinski
MasterMinds is a Quiz type game where students ring in and answer questions in a plethora of academic areas. A well rounded team has players with expertise in a variety of different topics including sports, biology, chemistry, physics, literature, history, current events and pop culture. MasterMinds competes with other regional schools about 6 times a year and meets for a weekly practice from October to March.
Practices- Every Thursday in room 317
If you are a new student that is interested, stop by room 317 and get details from Mr. Zielinski.
Visit and Bookmark the MasterMinds Homepage: http://www.nymasterminds.com/
Mock Trial
Club Advisor: Mrs. Ocasio
Are you or someone you know interested in learning about the law, legal system and court procedures as well as improving skills such as listening, reasoning and ability to think on your feet? Mock Trial offers students all these opportunities.
Each year the Erie County Bar Association in conjunction with the New York State Bar Association’s Law, Youth and Citizenship Committee sponsors a Mock Trial Tournament. Teams are given a specific case and throughout the tournament, teams argue the prosecution and defense and team members act as attorneys and witnesses. On average, approximately 40 schools compete in the local tournament each year. The winner of the Erie County Tournament advances to the Regional Tournament and the Regionals Champion proceeds to the New York State Finals conducted in Albany. The winning team of the Erie County Tournament is recognized at the Association’s Law Day Luncheon. The program receives strong support by lawyers and judges who volunteer and participate as mock trial judges and attorney advisors each year.
As a Mock Trial Team we are assigned an attorney to help write our questions and develop our trial skills. Students interested should understand the commitment to be part of a Mock Trial team. As we prepare for the tournament we will need 1-2x per week and tournaments are held on Saturdays. Any student interested in participating should see Mrs. Ocasio in room 302 or send an email to nocasio@wscschools.org.
Model UN
Club Advisor: Mr. Jones
Multi Media Club
Club Advisor: Mr. Kutina
National English Honor Society
Club Advisor: Dyan Scritchfield
About NEHS
The National English Honor Society (NEHS), founded and sponsored by Sigma Tau Delta, is the only international organization exclusively for secondary students and faculty who, in the field of English, merit special note for past and current accomplishments. Individual secondary schools are invited to petition for a local chapter, through which individuals may be inducted into Society membership. Immediate benefits of affiliation include academic recognition, scholarship and award eligibility, and opportunities for networking with others who share enthusiasm for, and accomplishment in, the language arts.
America's first honor society was founded in 1776, but high school students didn't have access to such organizations for another 150 years. Since then, high school honor societies have been developed in leadership, drama, journalism, French, Spanish, mathematics, the sciences, and in various other fields, but not in English. In 2005, National English Honor Society launched and has been growing steadily since, becoming one of the largest academic societies for secondary schools.
As Joyce Carol Oates writes, "This is the time for which we have been waiting." Or perhaps it was Shakespeare: "Now is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer..." We celebrate English studies through NEHS.
East's Socratic Society's Officers
President: Sophia Furlong
Vice President: Samantha Brych
Assistant Vice President: Katie Olenkiczak
Treasurer: Pam Curtiss and Julia Hise
Secretary: Allison Hise
Assistant Secretary: Emily McGrane"Gelast Sceal Mid Are"
The NEHS motto, "gelast sceal mid are," is Old English for: "duty goes with honor." The motto represents one of the earliest forms of our language—it affirms and celebrates an obligation to use one's gifts in service to others. Service to peers, school, and community is part and parcel of the NEHS mission—and, indeed, in the grammatical structure of the Old English phrase, "duty" actually precedes "honor."
- Candidates for membership must have been in attendance at the school the equivalent of one semester prior to being considered. If special circumstances merit, the Faculty Advisory Council may waive the semester regulation.
- Candidates must have completed the equivalent of two semesters of English prior to induction as members.
- Candidates must have achieved a minimum overall grade point average of a 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) prior to induction as members.
- Candidates must have achieved a minimum English grade point average of 3.0 (on a 4.0 scale) prior to induction as members.
- Candidates achieving the minimal requirements may be invited to apply for membership in NEHS. The application process will require candidates to demonstrate their desire to be a member of NEHS. Application processes developed by Faculty Advisory Councils may include additional criteria (i.e., application essays, letters of recommendation, etc.) but all requirements must be based on demonstrated academic performance, interest in NEHS, and applicant character.
Annually, NEHS offers scholarships of varying amounts for NEHS graduating seniors planning on enrolling in two-year or four-year colleges/universities. Graduating seniors who hold membership in active chapters may apply for a one-year, non-renewing scholarship. Because these scholarship opportunities are offered exclusively to NEHS members, those members who take the time to submit a carefully crafted application have an increased chance of receiving an award.
Congratulations to our first class of inductees!
Samantha Accurso
Nohin Adiba
Alexandra Behlok
Natalia Behlok
Grace Dalessandro
Madison DeFazio
Mia Fawls
Matthew Fincel
Mina Graney
Molly Graves
Sofia Haak
Allison Hise
Julia Hise
Morgan Jozwiaj
Madison Karney
Eleanor Keane
Sophia Manzella
Emilee McGrane
Emily Ouellette
Olivia Roneker
Matthew Sarro
Leah Skierczynski
Carly Stoklosa
Hailey Thurnherr
Hannah Wade
Abigail Wieczorek
Ava ZambronContact
Students interested in participating in NEHS’s Socratic Society at East should see Ms. Scritchfield in Room 104 or email dscritchfield@wscschools.org
National Honor Society
Club Advisors: Ms. Clar and Mrs. Page
General Information
The National Honor Society (NHS) is the nation's premier organization established to recognize outstanding high school students. More than just an honor roll, NHS serves to honor those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of Scholarship, Leadership, Service, and Character.
These characteristics have been associated with membership in the organization since its beginning in 1921. Today, it is estimated that over one million students participate in activities of the NHS and its middle level counterpart, the National Junior Honor Society (NJHS). NHS chapters are found in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and many U.S. Territories and Canada.
Chapter membership not only recognizes students for their accomplishments, but challenges them to develop further through active involvement in school activities and providing community service.
* See below for attached community service paperwork (If PDF is downloaded, it will be a type-able form)
One of the highest honors conferred in high school is a student’s selection to the National Honor Society. Students who are members of the National Honor Society (Andastes Chapter) have worked hard to become members and have earned the respect of our faculty and school community. Membership in the Honor Society, is also however, an ongoing commitment to the ideals of the Honor Society. These include “scholarship”, “leadership”, “character” and “service.”
We fully expect and require that Honor Society members will continue to earn their status in our organization. To this end, we have the following expectations for our chapter members:
1. Attendance at monthly meetings
2. Maintenance of a 90% average
3. Completion of service, consisting of 30 hours of community servicePolicy on Past Due Service Hours
Parents of members who fall behind on the community service obligation will be notified by mail. The student’s past due service hours must be completed on time or they will be terminated as members of the Andastes Chapter of the National Honor Society.
Policy on Maintenance of a 90% Average
Parents of members who fall below the 90% average will be notified by mail. The students have until the next progress report or report card to improve their grades. Students who do not maintain their 90% average at that time will be terminated as members of the Andastes Chapter of the National Honor Society.
Members should understand fully that they are subject to dismissal if they do not maintain the standards of scholarship, leadership, service and character that were used as a basis for their selection.
We are very pleased that the majority of our members meet their obligations in a timely manner. We also hope that your child will take immediate responsibility for the ongoing requirements for the membership in the Honor Society.
Any questions regarding these NHS policies may be addressed to Ms. Clar at East Senior at 677-3316 or Mrs. Page at East Senior at 677-3313.
Photography Club
Club Advisor: Mrs. Tytka
The East Photography Club is made up of students who share an interest in taking the best pictures possible using their cell phones. We focus on a wide variety of strategies and techniques that are used by professional photographers, to enhance our own photography skills.
You don't need to have prior experience or special cameras to get involved and learn how to take great photos for the rest of your life!
The Photography Club meeting dates and times will be announced using google classroom.
Please join using the class code: ptopcda -
Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society
Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Society is Open to Juniors and Seniors
- The mission and purpose of Rho Kappa National Social Studies Honor Association (Ebenezer Chapter) is:
- To promote scholarships and to recognize academic excellence in Social Studies among high school students
- To provide opportunities for exploration in Social Studies in the high school environment and community
- To encourage interest in, understanding of, and appreciation for Social Studies
Local Chapter Fees
- The Ebenezer Chapter must pay an annual affiliation fee to the national organization of $75
- The Ebenezer Chapter shall pay an annual induction fee of $10 per new inductee
- Active members shall demonstrate an ability to work with others, to conduct research and inquiry in the field of Social Studies and shall possess qualities of industry, initiative, and reliability as they pertain to academic excellence.
- Active members shall also exhibit a genuine interest in, and enthusiasm for, Social Studies scholarships and topics.
- Active members shall contribute 5 hours of service to the high school or the community in which the chapter resides at the direction and discretion of the school’s principal and the chapter’s sponsor.
Selection of Members
Candidate must have:
- Been in attendance at the high school in which the chapter resides for the equivalent of one semester prior to being considered
- Completed two courses in the field of social studies and be prepared to complete at least one honors or AP social studies class. The minimum grade for these courses is 90% for a regents or local course, and 85% for an AP level course
- Have an overall cumulative high school GPA of 90%
- A recommendation from a current faculty member
Removal from Membership
- Members who have fallen below the standards that represent the basis of their selection to the Ebenezer Chapter will be notified by the chapter advisor. Members shall be given the appropriate amount of time, as described below, to correct the deficiency. The exception to this is in the case of a flagrant violation of school rules, or of civil laws. In these cases, a member does not have to be warned of removal from the chapter.
- If a member’s GPA has fallen below the 3.0 cumulative requirement or the 90%/85% social studies course requirement, that member shall have a one-semester academic probation period to regain the required GPA. If the member does not have the required GPA at the end of the semester, he/she will be recommended to the chapter advisor and officers for dismissal.
- If a member fails to complete any hour requirements established by the officers by the last meeting day in June, the member shall have until the end of the next full calendar week to make up any service hours. If the member fails to meet the hour requirement by the deadline, he/she will be recommended to the chapter advisor and officers for dismissal.
- In all cases of impending dismissal, the member will have the right to a hearing before the chapter advisor and officers.
- A majority vote between the officers and approval from the chapter advisor is required to dismiss a member.
Community Service Requirement
- Each chapter shall participate in 5 hours of service to the school community. It should meet the following criteria.
- Should fulfil a need within the school or community or provide a service to another group
- Have the support of the faculty and administration along with the membership body and the chapter sponsor
- Are appropriately and educationally defensible
- Are well planned and executed
- May or may not be directly related to the field of social studies, but should honor the overall purpose, mission, and goals of such an organization
2022-2023 Rho Kappa Application
School Play
Club Advisor: Mr. Farugia
Science Club
Club Advisor: Ms. Cataldo
Science Club provides extracurricular opportunities for students to learn more about science. It is the intent of the club to promote an interest in the sciences, both within and beyond the classroom. The club members may go on field trips to learn about our local environment, participate in environmental cleanup, listen to guest speakers, and learn about career opportunities. The club is open to all students.
Typically, the club meets once a month. Listen to the announcements to hear when meetings will be held.
Science Honor Society
SNHS is a prominent scientific organization that will engender a new group of young thinkers who will be the future of industry, research, and scientific exploration for America.
- Listen to the announcements for meeting dates and activities.
Ski Club
The East HS Ski & Snowboard Club is actively recruiting SNOW LOVIN' Fun havers to join us!
Spanish Club
Club Advisor: Mrs. Lysiak
Spanish Club celebrates Spanish culture and language at our monthly events. We enjoy dining at local restaurants, trips to the movies, food celebrations in school, piñatas, singing and dancing! See Mrs. Lysiak in room 101 if you are interested in joining Spanish Club!
Listen to announcements for meeting dates and activities!
Spanish Honor Society
Club Advisor: Mrs. Lysiak
The Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica (SHH) is an honor society for high school students enrolled in Spanish and/or Portuguese, sponsored by the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP). The SHH was formally organized as the Spanish National Honor Society in 1953.
Student Council
Club Advisor: Mrs. Scritchfield
Student Council is the largest club at West Seneca East with over 100 members from all grade levels. The Student Council oversees two large craft shows, charity fundraisers, blood drives and any other event requested of them. The Student Council is the student voice of the school and funds many activities and events throughout the school year.
Student Council’s mission is to serve our school and our community at large. Within that mission, it is Student Council’s responsibility to foster a service learning community that teaches service above self, leadership, and democracy. Their obligations and responsibilities as East Senor Student Council members are outlined below.
Student Council Officers 2022-2023
President- Hannah Wade
Vice Presidents- Allison Czapla & Dylan Clough
Secretary- Carmela Grandinetti
Treasurer- Luke Osmanski & Emily Putnam
Public Relations- Jenna Wojtkowiak -
Technology Club
Club Advisor: Mr. Cook
Technology Club is a great opportunity for students to gain experience using hand tools and machines used in the world of work today. The club's purpose is to teach advanced woodworking skills, promote teamwork, and create hands-on projects. Students are currently working on an Adirondack chair. The club is open to all students who are enrolled or have completed one unit in technology education.
Listen to announcements to find out when meetings will be!
Trojan Times
Club Advisor: Mrs. Scritchfield
The Trojan Times / Literary Magazine is a compilation of student writing, photography and artwork. It covers current events, politics, local and world news, East sports and world sports along with fun recipes, life hacks and a slew of creative writing. It is published and distributed in English classes, emailed to parents and shared on the website. We are an award winning publication and hope to continue to earn those accolades!
Varsity E Club
Club Advisor: Mr. Jones
Yearbook Club
Club Advisor: Mrs. Ocasio
Be a part of capturing the memories at East Senior. Join the Traces Yearbook Staff! Students interested in Yearbook must be organized, self-motivated and adhere to deadlines.
If you are interested in being a part of our team, please contact Mrs. Ocasio at nocasio@wscschools.org or stop by Room 302.
We meet every Thursday!
Traces Yearbook welcomed so many new members interested in editing and/or photography. We are already hard at work putting together the 2023 yearbook for East students. We had a very busy September capturing memories from the 2022 Homecoming activities from the daily dress up days to the Homecoming dance. It's important for our team to capture the memories. However, we can't be everywhere and might miss something important to you. If that's the case, please upload any photos you captured to the pictavo website. Directions have been placed in all graduating class Classrooms. Yearbooks are on sale NOW! You can find the link on the East Senior webpage.
Youth Activation Committee (YAC)
Club Advisor: Ms. Piegay
We are a group of student leaders with and without intellectual disabilities who strategize and plan activities for the promotion and sustainability of our unified sports program, which currently includes basketball and bowling. Our goal is to create a culture of inclusiveness in our school.
Activities we have planned in the past include: Events at Unified games/matches; help with Unified banquets. Spread the Word: Inclusion Week activities
Our staff advisors and some students attended a YAC Summit to discuss the upcoming Unified Sports seasons. We are excited to watch these events.